International Conference

Flows on surfaces, symbolic dynamics and dynamics in moduli spaces

dedicated to the 75th birthday of D. V. Anosov

December 5 - 9, 2011, Poncelet Laboratory, Moscow, Russia

Conference Program

Conference abstracts (PDF, 92k)

Monday, December 5
Poncelet Laboratory

09:30-10:30 Pascal Hubert
Translation flows on Zd covers of compact translation surfaces
10:30-10:50 Coffee
10:50-11:50 Jérôme Los
Volume entropy for surface groups
12:00-13:00 Serge Troubetzkoy
Ergodicity of infinite translation surfaces
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Pierre Arnoux
On Rauzy gasket
16:00-16:20 Coffee
16:20-17:20 Ilya Shkredov
Recent results on additive structure of multiplicative subgroups

Tuesday, December 6
Poncelet Laboratory

09:00-10:00 Jean-François Quint
Stationary measures on homogeneous spaces
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30 Erwan Lanneau
Dynamics of SL(2, R) on Prym eigenforms
11:30-11:50 Coffee
11:50-12:20 Mikhail Dubashinsky
On combinatorial properties of Rauzy graphs: trees constructed of cycles
12:30-13:00 Anna Lenzhen
Geodesics in Teichmüller space equipped with Thurston's Lipschitz metric
No afternoon session. Visit to Moscow Kremlin

Wednesday, December 7
Steklov Mathematical Institute

9:00-10:00 Viacheslav Grines
On interrelation between dynamics and topology of ambient manifold
10:00-10:20 Coffee
10:20-11:20 Evgeny Zhuzhoma
Diffeomorphisms obtained from endomorphisms
11:30-12:30 Michael Blank
Symbolic dynamics of a traffic map
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Dmitrii Anosov
15:40-16:10 Alexander Prikhodko
Ergodic flows and some problems in analysis
16:10-16:40 Coffee
16:40-17:40 Xavier Bressaud
Interval exchange extending substitutive dynamical systems
17:50-18:50 Sergey Tikhomirov
Shadowing lemma for partially hyperbolic systems
18:50 Banquet at the Steklov Mathematical Institute

Thursday, December 8
Poncelet Laboratory

9:30-10:30 Jean-François Quint
The exponential drift
10:30-10:50 Coffee
10:50-11:50 Vincent Delecroix
Diffusion in some periodic billiards
12:00-13:00 Barak Weiss
Translation surfaces without convex presentations
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Open Problem Session

Friday, December 9
Poncelet Laboratory

9:00-10:00 Alexey Klimenko
Cesaro convergence of spherical averages for actions of Markov groups and semigroups
10:00-10:20 Coffee
10:20-11:20 Victor Klepstyn
Skew products with the interval fiber over Markov shifts
11:30-12:00 Rodrigo Treviño
On the Ergodicity of Flat Surfaces of Finite Area
12:00-12:20 Coffee
12:20-12:50 Corentin Boissy
Connected components of the strata of the moduli space of meromorphic differentials
13:00-14:00 Boris Gurevich
Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium measures corresponding to finite subgraphs of an infinite directed graph
14:00 Closing session