CNRS Poncelet

Конференция "Дзета функции"

21 - 25 июня, 2010

Москва, Россия

RAS Poncelet

Организаторы: Michel Balazard (CNRS, Лаборатория Понселе), Михаил Цфасман (CNRS, Лаборатория Понселе, ИППИ РАН), Алексей Зыкин (Лаборатория Понселе, ГУ ВШЭ)

English French

Название доклада

Роман Будылин (Москва)

Четверг 24 июня, 18:00 - 19:00

Unstable lattices and estimate of the regulator

In the set of all lattices I define subset of principial unstable lattices. Their Haar measure can be easely calculated. Comparing this with the measure of all lattices we get some inequality between regulator and discriminant of number field. This inequality looks like Brauer-Siegel theorem but as opposed to it holds for one field.

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