CNRS Poncelet

Конференция "Дзета функции"

21 - 25 июня, 2010

Москва, Россия

RAS Poncelet

Организаторы: Michel Balazard (CNRS, Лаборатория Понселе), Михаил Цфасман (CNRS, Лаборатория Понселе, ИППИ РАН), Алексей Зыкин (Лаборатория Понселе, ГУ ВШЭ)

English French

Analytic continuation of zeta functions and self-similarity

Driss Essouabri (Сент-Этьен)

Вторник 22 июня, 11:30 - 12:30


Let $A$ be an arithmetical subset of a euclidean space $(E,q)$ (eg. $A$ is a subset of a Lattice defined by arithmetical conditions). Several arithmetic and geometric information of $A$ can be deduced from the analytic properties of its zeta function $\zeta(A;s)=\sum_{m\in A}' q(m)^{-s}$; more precisely from its meromorphic continuation, the distribution of its poles, etc.. If $A$ has some algebraic or analytic regularity, one can then use the analytic or algebraic machinery to extend analytically $\zeta(A;s)$. The purpose of this talk is to introduce a method to analytically continue the zeta functions $\zeta(A;s)$ associated to arithmetic sets $A$ possibly irregulars, but with additional fractal structures. The idea is to exploit self-similarity instead of algebraic or analytic regularity.

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