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Short journal paper: R. A. Devyatov, Commutative unipotent group actions on flag varieties and nilpotent multiplications

Abstract (for users' convenience only; not contained in the actual paper)
Our goal is to classify all generically transitive actions of commutative unipotent groups on flag varieties up to conjugation. We establish a relationship between this problem and the classification of multiplications with certain properties on Lie algebra representations. Then we classify multiplications with the desired properties and solve the initial classification problem.
English translation
The paper was originally published in Russian. However, English translation exists. It is not available directly from this website due to copyright restrictions. It may be available here or here if your university or you have subscription. You can also request if from me by an email to deviatov at mccme dot ru, and I will send it to you.
Final Russian version
The Russian version is not available directly from this website either due to copyright restrictions. It may be available here if your university or you have subscription. You can also request if from me by an email to deviatov at mccme dot ru, and I will send it to you.
Submitted vesrion: download pdf; download zip archive with all sources
Bibliographic reference:
R. A. Devyatov, Commutative unipotent group actions on flag varieties and nilpotent multiplications, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 69:5 (419) (2014), 155–156.
Article page at the journal website
English translation: Russian Mathematical Surveys 69:5 (2014), 927–929.
Article page at the journal websites: 1, 2

DOI of the Russian version: 10.4213/rm9622 (link)
DOI of the English version: 10.1070/RM2014v069n05ABEH004923 (link)