Below are some initial references for local Fourier transform seminar series

Original Laumon's local Fourier transform for l-adic sheaves:
Laumon, G., Transformation de Fourier, constantes d'equations fonctionnelles et conjecture de Weil, Publ. Math. IHES, 65 (1987), pp. 131-210. pdf

Exposition of the previous paper:
N. Katz: Travaux de Laumon pdf

Basic definitions of local Fourier transform and stationary phase for D-modules:
B. Malgrange, Sur les points singuliers des équations différentielles (1971-1972), Exp. No 20-22. 1 (pdf), 2 (pdf), 3 (pdf)
B. Malgrange, Modules microdiff´erentielles et classes de Gevrey Advances in Mathematics supplementary Studies, vol.7B (1981), 513-530.
B. Malgrange, Equations diffeerentielles `a coefficients polynomiaux Progress in Mathematics, vol. 96. Birkh¨auser, 1991.

R. Garcia Lopez. Microlocalization and stationary phase Asian J. Math., 8(4):747-768, 2004. arxiv pdf
S. Bloch, H. Esnault: Local Fourier transforms and rigidity for D-modules arxiv pdf
D. Arinkin: Fourier transform and middle convolution for irregular D-modules arxiv pdf

More advanced topics on lFT

For l-adic sheaves
L. Fu: Calculation of l-adic local Fourier transformations arxiv pdf
T. Saito and A. Abbes: Local Fourier transform and epsilon factors arxiv pdf

For D-modules
C. Sabbah: An explicit stationary phase formula for the local formal Fourier-Laplace transform (formal) arxiv pdf
T. Mochizuki: Notes on the Stokes structure of Fourier transform pdf

Also I'd like to hear on Gross-Frenkel's work 0901.2163

About the twist:
B. Dubrovin: On almost duality for Frobenius manifolds (chapter 4) arxiv pdf
A. Givental

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